Monday, June 4, 2012

KISAH KEINSAFAN: Jutawan, Pengasas Bank Al-Rajhi Yang Memilih Untuk ‘Miskin’

 KISAH KEINSAFAN: Jutawan Arab, Pengasas Bank Al-Rajhi Yang Memilih Untuk 'Miskin'

Jutawan Arab Saudi yang berjaya mengubah hidup beliau daripada seorang rakyat miskin hingga berjaya mengumpul kekayaan, Sulaiman Al-Rajhi, merupakan seorang dermawan yang terkenal di dunia.
Beliau adalah pengasas Bank Al-Rajhi, bank Islam terbesar di dunia, dan salah satu daripada syarikat terbesar di Arab Saudi.
Sehingga 2011, kekayaan beliau telah dianggarkan oleh majalah Forbes, bernilai sebanyak AS$ 7.7 bilion sekali gus disenaraikan sebagai orang ke-120 yang terkaya di dunia.
Yayasan Saar milik beliau adalah sebuah organisasi amal yang terkenal di negara tersebut.
Keluarga Al-Rajhi dianggap sebagai salah satu daripada keluarga kaya yang BUKAN daripada keluarga diraja, dan mereka adalah antara dermawan terkemuka di dunia.
Walaupun Al-Rajhi adalah seorang jutawan, tetapi beliau memilih untuk menjadi ‘miskin’ sehinggakan beliau tidak mempunyai sebarang wang dan juga saham yang dimiliki beliau sebelum ini.

Keadaan tersebut terjadi apabila beliau memindahkan kesemua aset yang dimiliki kepada anak-anak beliau dan mendermakan aset-aset yang selebihnya.

Bagi menghargai jasa beliau terhadap dunia Islam, termasuk mengasaskan bank Islam terbesar dunia dan juga segala usaha yang dijalankan untuk membasmi kemiskinan, Al-Rajhi telah dipilih untuk menerima Anugerah Antarabangsa Raja Faisal atas jasa beliau kepada Islam
Dalam satu wawancara yang dibuat oleh Muhammad Al-Harbi dari Al-Eqtisadiah Business Daily, Al-Rajhi menceritakan tentang bagaimana beliau mampu meyakinkan ketua-ketua bank di dunia, termasuk Bank of England, hampir 30 tahun lalu, bahawa bayaran ‘faedah’ adalah sesuatu yang haram bagi kedua-dua agama iaitu Islam dan Kristian, dan bank secara Islam adalah penyelesaian yang terbaik bagi menaikkan taraf ekonomi dunia.
Kisah Al-Rajhi berkisarkan tentang bagaimana seseorang itu meraih kekayaan dari bawah.
Beliau terpaksa melalui kesusahan ketika beliau kecil sebelum menjadi kaya, dan kemudiannya meninggalkan segala harta yang ada setelah mengecapi kejayaan.

Al-Rajhi masih lagi aktif dalam bekerja walaupun usia beliau telah mencecah lebih daripada 80 tahun.
Beliau memulakan tugas harian sejurus selepas solat Subuh dan terus bekerja hingga selepas solat Isyak.
Beliau kini sedang memberikan tumpuan terhadap Yayasan SAAR, dengan berulang-alik di negara-negara Arab bagi menguruskan segala hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan yayasan tersebut.
Beliau sering membawa diari kecil untuk mencatatkan aktiviti harian beliau dan sentiasa memastikan tidak akan terlepas dari satu aktiviti pun.

Al-Rajhi juga merupakan seorang yang amat berjaya dalam apa jua bidang yang beliau ceburi.
Selain daripada mengusahakan bank Islam terbesar dunia, beliau juga telah mengasaskan ladang binatang ternakan yang terbesar di Timur Tengah.

Daripada segi perladangan, beliau telah menjalankan banyak eksperimen ternakan secara organik di negara-negara Arab, termasuk perladangan udang Al-Laith. Beliau juga turut mengasaskan perniagaan hartanah dan juga beberapa lagi pelaburan.

Sheikh Suleiman, adakah anda kini telah menjadi miskin semula?
Ya. Kini apa yang saya miliki hanyalah pakaian-pakaian saya. Saya telah membahagikan harta saya kepada anak-anak dan juga mendermakan selebihnya untuk menjalankan projek-projek amal. Ini bukanlah sesuatu yang aneh bagi saya. Kedudukan kewangan saya kini telah menjadi kosong sebanyak dua kali dalam hidup saya. Jadi, saya amat faham akan keadaan ini. Namun, kini perasaan itu dipenuhi dengan kegembiraan dan juga ketenangan. Sememangnya saya yang memilih untuk menjadi miskin.

Mengapa berbuat begitu?
Segala kekayaan dimiliki oleh Allah s.w.t, kita hanyalah ditugaskan untuk menjaga kekayaan tersebut. Ada beberapa sebab mengapa saya memilih untuk memilih jalan ini. Antara sebab-sebab utamanya adalah saya perlu menjaga sahabat-sahabat Islam dan juga anak-anak saya. Ia adalah antara perkara yang paling penting dalam hidup. Saya juga tidak suka untuk membuang masa di mahkamah hanya kerana ada antara mereka yang tidak bersetuju dengan jumlah harta yang diwariskan kepada mereka. Terdapat banyak contoh di mana anak-anak mula berpecah hanya kerana harta yang kemudiannya menghancurkan syarikat. Negara ini telah banyak kehilangan syarikat-syarikat besar kerana perbalahan harta yang boleh diselesaikan jika kita mencari jalan penyelesaian yang lebih berkesan. Selain daripada itu, setiap umat Islam perlu bersedekah sebagai bekalan pahala di akhirat kelak, Jadi, saya lebih suka jika anak-anak saya mencari kekayaan sendiri daripada bergantung dengan saya.

Adakah Sheikh mempunyai banyak masa terluang setelah membahagikan kesemua harta?
Seperti yang telah saya maklumkan tadi, saya masih lagi bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan lebih derma. Saya telah bekerjasama dengan pelbagai agensi bagi menjayakan projek ini. Secara kebiasaanya, umat Islam sering membahagikan satu per tiga ataupun suku daripada kekayaan mereka untuk bersedekah yang hanya akan diberikan setelah mereka meninggal dunia. Namun, bagi saya, saya mahu mula bersedekah ketika saya masih hidup. Jadi, saya telah membawa anak-anak saya ke Mekah pada hujung bulan Ramadhan dan memberitahu mereka idea saya. Mereka bersetuju terhadap idea tersebut. Saya telah meminta bantuan daripada agensi-agensi yang berkaitan untuk membahagikan kesemua harta saya termasuk saham dan juga hartanah kepada anak-anak dan juga untuk didermakan. Kesemua anak-anak saya berpuas hati terhadap inisiatif saya dan mereka kini sedang menguruskan segala harta yang saya berikan kepada mereka.

Berapa banyak harta yang dibahagikan kepada anak-anak dan juga untuk didermakan?
Beliau tergelak tanpa memberi sebarang jawapan.

Apakah perasaan Sheikh terhadap kesemua projek yang sedang dijalankan?
Saya ingin menegaskan bahawa terdapat beberapa faktor yang saya ambil sebelum melakukan sebarang pelaburan. Eksperimen yang saya lakukan terhadap pertukaran wang adalah salah satu daripada sebab mengapa saya mengasaskan bank. Ketiadaan bank Islam juga menjadi antara sebab mengapa saya mula mengasaskan Bank Al-Rajhi, yang kini merupakan bank Islam terbesar di dunia. Saya mulakan eksperimen saya dengan membuka pejabat di Britain dimana kami mula memperkenalkan sistem perbankan Islam ke peringkat yang lebih besar. Eksperimen tersebut kemudiannya mula berkembang dan ia mula mendapat sokongan daripada ulama-ulama Saudi pada ketika itu. Saya masih ingat lagi bagaimana permohonan saya untuk mendapatkan lesen untuk membuka bank tidak diterima pada mulanya. Ini adalah kerana pihak British tidak memahami apa-apa pun tentang sistem perbankan Islam. Saya kemudiannya pergi ke London dan berjumpa dengan Pengurus Bank of England dan dua daripada pegawai kanan beliau. Saya memberitahu mereka bahawa penggunaan faedah adalah haram bagi Islam dan juga Kristian dan kebanyakan daripada mereka sanggup menyimpan wang mereka di dalam kotak di rumah daripada menyimpan di dalam bank. Saya cuba untuk meyakinkan mereka bahawa (jika mereka mula membuka bank Islam) ini mampu menaikkan taraf ekonomi dunia. Mereka akhirnya bersetuju untuk mula membuka bank-bank Islam. Saya kemudiannya mula mengembara ke serata dunia di bahagian Timur dan Barat, dan berjumpa dengan ketua-ketua bank negara di beberapa buah negara dan memberitahu mereka bagaimana ciri-ciri yang terdapat dalam dunia ekonomi Islam. Kami mula bekerja dan mencapai kejayaan di negara-negara Arab dan melaksanakan perbankan Islam di London, saya kemudiannya berjumpa dengan Mufti Besar Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz dan Sheikh Abdullah bin Humaid, dan memberitahu mereka tentang rancangan saya bahawa : ‘Kita mampu, dengan izin Allah, memajukan perbankan Islam. Mereka memuji saya atas inisiatif yang saya jalankan. Dari situlah kami mula mengusahakan Bank Al-Rajhi seperti mana yang anda dapat lihat hari ini. Bagi projek Ladang Ternakan Al-Watania pula, saya mula mendapat inspirasi untuk menjalankan projek tersebut apabila melawat ladang ternakan di luar negara. Saya dapati bahawa cara mereka menyembelih adalah salah. Saya kemudiannya mengambil keputusan untuk melabur dalam bidang ternakan atas nama Islam dan negara. Saya tetap menjalankan projek tersebut walaupun membuat pelaburan dalam industri ternakan adalah sesuatu yang agak berisiko pada masa tersebut. Kini, Al-Watania telah menjadi salah satu daripada projek mega di Saudi. Syarikat tersebut mendapat 40 peratus daripada saham di negara-negara Arab, dan ayam-ayam Al-Watania diberikan makanan yang cukup dan disembelih dengan cara yang halal menurut undang-undang syariah.

Walaupun dengan semua kekayaan yang dimiliki, mengapa syeikh tidak mempunyai satu pun kapal terbang sendiri?
Saya ada banyak kapal terbang, tetapi kesemuanya dimiliki oleh syarikat-syarikat penerbangan tertentu. Saya memilikinya setiap kali saya membayar tiket penerbangan untuk ke satu-satu destinasi (gurauan). Saya sering terbang dengan kadar kelas ekonomi kerana Allah tidak memberikan kita harta untuk ditunjuk-tunjuk.

Bagaimana pula dengan hobi syeikh?
Saya tidak mempunyai sebarang hobi yang khusus. Bagaimanapun, saya suka mengembara di padang pasir. Saya tidak pernah mengambil pakej percutian di negara-negara lain selain dari Saudi.

Ketepatan masa Al-Rajhi
Wawancara ini telah menunjukkan bagaimana disiplin Al-Rajhi dalam menepati masa. “Pada awal karier saya dalam industri, saya mempunyai beberapa perjumpaan dengan beberapa syarikat besar di Eropah. Saya masih ingat lagi kisah dimana saya terlambat selama beberapa minit dalam satu perjumpaan dengan salah seorang pegawai besar sebuah syarikat. Walaupun hanya beberapa minit, beliau tidak mahu meneruskan perjumpaan tersebut. Selepas kejadian tersebut, setelah projek kami mula berkembang, pegawai yang sama pula lambat untuk berjumpa dengan saya, jadi, saya pula yang tidak mahu meneruskan perjumpaan tersebut. Saya sering membawa kertas untuk menulis segala perjumpaan dan urusan dan sentiasa memastikan agar saya sering menepati masa walau apa pun.”
Al-Rajhi berkata lagi: Saya amat menepati segala perkara yang diterapkan dalam Islam sepanjang hidup saya. Saya pernah mendapat undangan daripada kerajaan Arab untuk menghadiri satu persidangan yang berkaitan dengan pelaburan. Kemudiannya, dalam persidangan yang sama, saya dijemput untuk mengambil bahagian dalam majlis makan malam mereka, saya dapati bahawa antara aktiviti yang dijalankan ketika majlis tersebut adalah bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. Saya kemudiannya keluar dari majlis makan malam tersebut. Kemudian, Abdul Aziz Al-Ghorair dari UAE turut serta bersama saya. Tidak lama selepas itu, menteri yang bertanggungjawab terhadap persidangan tersebut datang kepada kami dan kami mula menerangkan kepada beliau bahawa aktiviti yang dijalankan di majlis tersebut adalah bertentangan dengan budaya Islam. Beliau kemudiannya berkata bahawa aktiviti-aktiviti di majlis tersebut akan dibatalkan. Apabila mereka membatalkan aktiviti tersebut, kami kembali menyertai majlis tersebut.

Penyelesaian Masalah
Al-Rajhi berkata: Pada satu masa, salah satu daripada kilang yang diuruskan oleh anak saya habis dijilat api. Apabila dia datang untuk memaklumkan perkara tersebut kepada saya, saya memberitahu: Sebut Alhamdulillah. Saya meminta anak saya supaya tidak membuat sebarang laporan tentang kerugian yang dialami bagi meminta pampasan daripada pihak berkuasa. Sebaliknya, pampasan yang diberikan oleh Allah adalah lebih penting bagi kita. Assam Al-Hodaithy, Pengurus Kewangan bagi syarikat Ternakan Al-Watania berkata: “Apabila kilang tersebut terbakar, kami telah membuat keputusan untuk tidak menyakiti hati Al-Rajhi dengan memberitahu beliau tentang apa yang terjadi. Kami kemudiannya berjumpa dengan beliau keesokan harinya dan memberitahu akan perkara yang terjadi, beliau mengarahkan kami untuk berpindah ke tempat lain dan membersihkan segala kerosakan sehingga semuanya dibaiki.” Perkara yang sama terjadi di satu lagi projek Al-Watania di Mesir. Syarikat tersebut kerugian kira-kira SR10 juta Pound Mesir. Apabila pegawai projek tersebut menghubungi Al-Rajhi untuk memberitahu perkara tersebut, beliau terkejut apabila Al-Rajhi menjawab dengan menyebut: “Alhamdulillah.” –

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Friday, May 25, 2012

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games is a young adult novel written by American television writer and novelist Suzanne Collins. It was first published on September 14, 2008, by Scholastic, in hardcover. It is written in the voice of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world in the country of Panem where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol, a highly advanced metropolis, holds hegemony over the rest of the nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12 to 18 from each of the 12 districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle until only one person is left.

The book has been released as a paperback and also as an audiobook and e-book. The Hunger Games had an initial print of 200,000 – twice doubled from the original 50,000. Since its initial release, the novel has been translated into 26 languages and rights of production have been sold in 38 countries. The book received mostly positive feedback from major reviewers and authors. The Hunger Games is the first novel in The Hunger Games trilogy, followed by Catching Fire, published on September 1, 2009, and Mockingjay, published on August 24, 2010.

A film adaptation, co-written and co-produced by Collins herself and directed by Gary Ross, was released worldwide on March 23, 2012.

Inspiration and origins

Collins says that the inspiration to write The Hunger Games came from channel surfing on television. On one channel she observed people competing on a reality show and on another she saw footage of the invasion of Iraq. The two "began to blur in this very unsettling way" and the idea for the book was formed. The Greek myth of Theseus served as the basis for the story, with Collins describing Katniss as a futuristic Theseus, and that Roman gladiatorial games formed the framework. The sense of loss that Collins developed through her father's service in the Vietnam War also affected the story, whose heroine lost her father at age 11, five years before the story begins. Collins stated that the deaths of the young characters and other "dark passages" were the hardest parts of the book to write, but she had accepted passages such as these were necessary to the story. She considered the moments where Katniss reflects on happier moments in her past to be the more enjoyable.


The Hunger Games takes place in a nation known as Panem, after the destruction of North America by some unknown apocalyptic event. Panem consists of a wealthy Capitol and twelve surrounding, poorer districts under the Capitol's hegemony. District 12, where the book begins, is located in the coal-rich region that was formerly Appalachia.

As punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capitol in which a 13th district was destroyed, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18 from each district are selected by annual lottery to participate in the Hunger Games. This is an event in which the participants (or "tributes") must fight in an outdoor arena controlled by the Capitol, until only one individual remains. The story is narrated by 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the 74th annual Hunger Games in place of her younger sister, Prim. Also selected from District 12 is Peeta Mellark, a baker's son whom Katniss knows from school, and who once gave her bread when her family was starving.

Katniss and Peeta are taken to the Capitol where their drunken mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, victor of the 50th Hunger Games, instructs them to watch and learn the talents of the other tributes. They are then publicly displayed to the Capitol audience in a televised session with interviewer Caesar Flickerman. During this time, Peeta reveals on-air his longtime unrequited love for Katniss. Katniss believes this to be a ploy to gain audience support for him in the Games, which can be crucial for survival, as audience members are encouraged to send gifts such as food, medicine, and tools to favored tributes during the Games. While nearly half the tributes are killed in the first day of the Games alone, Katniss relies on her well-practiced hunting and outdoor skills to survive. A few days into the games, Katniss develops an alliance with Rue, a 12-year-old girl from the agricultural District 11 who reminds Katniss of her sister, Primrose. The alliance is short-lived; Rue is killed by another tribute. At Rue's request Katniss sings to her, then spreads flowers over her body as a sign of respect—and of disgust towards the Capitol.

Supposedly due to Katniss and Peeta's beloved image in the minds of the audience as "star-crossed lovers", a rule change is announced midway through the Games, stating that two tributes from the same district can win the Hunger Games as a pair. Upon hearing this, Katniss searches for Peeta and eventually finds him wounded. As she nurses him back to health, she acts the part of a young girl falling in love to gain more favor with the audience and consequently gifts from her sponsors. When the couple remain as the last two surviving tributes, the Gamemakers reverse the rule change in an attempt to force them into a dramatic finale, where one must kill the other to win. Katniss, knowing that the Gamemakers would rather have two victors than none, retrieves highly poisonous berries known as "nightlock" from her pouch and offers some to Peeta. Realizing that Katniss and Peeta intend to commit suicide, the Gamemakers announce that both will be the victors of the 74th Hunger Games.

Although she survives the ordeal in the arena and is treated to a hero's welcome in the Capitol, Katniss is warned by Haymitch that she has now become a political target after defying her society's authoritarian leaders so publicly. Afterwards, Peeta is heartbroken when he learns that Katniss's actions in the arena were part of a calculated ploy to earn sympathy from the audience. However, Katniss is unsure of her own feelings and realizes that she is dreading the moment when she and Peeta will go their separate ways.

In an interview with Collins, it was noted that the books "[tackle] issues like severe poverty, starvation, oppression, and the effects of war among others. The book deals with the struggle for self-preservation that the people of Panem face in their districts and the Hunger Games in which they must participate. The starvation and need for resources that the citizens encounter both in and outside of the arena create an atmosphere of helplessness that the main characters try to overcome in their fight for survival. Katniss's proficiency with the bow and arrow stems from her need to hunt in order to provide food for her family—this necessity results in the development of skills that are useful to her in the Games, and represents her rejection of the Capitol's rules in the face of life-threatening situations.

The choices the characters make and the strategies they use are often morally complex. The tributes build a personality they want the audience to see throughout the Games. Voice of Youth Advocates (VOYA) names the major themes of The Hunger Games as "government control, 'big brother', and personal independence." The Capitol makes watching the games required viewing. The theme of power and downfall, similar to that of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, was pointed out by Scholastic. Laura Miller of the New Yorker finds that the author's stated premise of the Games -- an exercise in propaganda and a “humiliating as well as torturous .... punishment” for a failed uprising against the Capitol many years earlier -- unconvincing. "You don’t demoralize and dehumanize a subject people by turning them into celebrities and coaching them on how to craft an appealing persona for a mass audience." But the story works much better if the theme is vicissitudes of high school and "the adolescent social experience".

    "The rules are arbitrary, unfathomable, and subject to sudden change. A brutal social hierarchy prevails, with the rich, the good-looking, and the athletic lording their advantages over everyone else. To survive you have to be totally fake. Adults don’t seem to understand how high the stakes are; your whole life could be over, and they act like it’s just some “phase”! Everyone’s always watching you, scrutinizing your clothes or your friends and obsessing over whether you’re having sex or taking drugs or getting good enough grades, but no one cares who you really are or how you really feel about anything."

Donald Brake from The Washington Times, as well as Andy Langford, a senior pastor at Central United Methodist Church, states that the story has Christian themes, such as that of self-sacrifice, which is found in Katniss' substitution for her younger sister, analogous to the sacrifice of Jesus as a substitute for the atonement of sins. Brake, as well as another reviewer, Amy Simpson, both find that the story also revolves around the theme of hope, which is exemplified in the "incorruptible goodness of Katniss' sister, Primrose." She also states that Peeta Mellark is "a Christ figure" in the story. Similar to the events in Passion of Jesus, in the Games, Peeta is stabbed and left for dead after saving Katniss' life—taking the wound that was initially meant for her—and is then buried in the ground and placed in a cave for three days before emerging with a new lease on life. Moreover, the Christian image of the Bread of Life is used throughout The Hunger Games; in the story Peeta shows up "bearing a warm loaf of bread," and Katniss slowly comes "back to life." A news video starring Fr. Jonathan Morris aired on Fox News discussed the religious themes in the story further. In addition, some pastors have written Bible studies discussing the Christian allegories in the story.
Publication history

The Hunger Games was first published as a hardcover in the United States on September 14, 2008. An audiobook version was released in December 2008, and is read by Carolyn McCormick. A trade paperback edition of the book was released on July 6, 2010.

An audiobook version of The Hunger Games was released in December 2008, which is read by Carolyn McCormick, and runs at about eleven hours, ten minutes. The magazine AudioFile said: "Carolyn McCormick gives a detailed and attentive narration. However, she may rely too much on the strength of the prose without providing the drama young adult listeners often enjoy." School Library Journal also praised her performance: "Carolyn McCormick ably voices the action-packed sequences and Katniss's every fear and strength shines through, along with her doomed growing attraction to one of her fellow Tributes."


After writing the novel, Collins signed a six-figure deal for three books with Scholastic in 2006. The first book originally had a 50,000 first printing, which was then bumped up twice to 200,000 copies. By February 11, 2010, The Hunger Games had sold 800,000 copies and rights to the novel had been sold in 38 territories.By November 2008, The Hunger Games became a The New York Times Best Seller.By September 2010, The Hunger Games was on The New York Times list for over 100 consecutive weeks, though it subsequently fell from the list. By the time the movie for The Hunger Games was released, the book had been on USA Today's best-selling books list for 135 consecutive weeks, and the publisher reported 26 million Hunger Games trilogy books in print, including movie tie-in books.

The Hunger Games trilogy has sold exceptionally well in ebook format. Suzanne Collins is the first children's or young adult author to sell over one million Kindle ebooks, making her the sixth author to join the "Kindle Million Club", which recognizes authors who have sold over 1 million paid units in the Amazon Kindle store. In March 2012, Amazon announced that Collins had become the best-selling Kindle author of all time. Amazon also revealed that Collins had written 29 of the 100 most-highlighted passages in Kindle ebooks—and on a separate Amazon list of recently-highlighted passages, Collins had written 17 of the top 20.


The cover of The Hunger Games is black, featuring a gold mockingjay —a crossbreed born from genetically engineered male jabberjays, and female mockingbirds— with an arrow inscribed in a circle. This is an image of the pin given to Katniss by the District 12 mayor's daughter, Madge Undersee, which Katniss wears in the arena. The image matches the description of the pin that is given in the book, except for the arrow: "It's as if someone fashioned a small golden bird and then attached a ring around it. The bird is connected to the ring only by its wing tips."
Critical reception

The Hunger Games has been well-received by critics. In Stephen King's review for Entertainment Weekly, he praised the book's addictive quality and also compared it to "shoot-it-if-it-moves videogames in the lobby of the local eightplex; you know it's not real, but you keep plugging in quarters anyway." However, he stated that there were "displays of authorial laziness that kids will accept more readily than adults" and that the love triangle was standard for the genre. He gave the book an overall B grade. Elizabeth Bird of School Library Journal praised the novel, saying it is "exciting, poignant, thoughtful, and breathtaking by turns". The review also called it one of the best books of 2008. Booklist also gave a positive review, praising the character violence and romance involved in the book. In a review for The New York Times, John Green wrote that the novel was "brilliantly plotted and perfectly paced", and that "the considerable strength of the novel comes in Collins's convincingly detailed world-building and her memorably complex and fascinating heroine." However, he also noted that sometimes the book does not realize the allegorical potential that the plot has to offer and that the writing "described the action and little else." Kirkus Reviews gave a positive review, praising the action and world-building, but pointed out that "poor copyediting in the first printing will distract careful readers—a crying shame". Time magazine was positive and praised the hypnotic quality of the violence. Rick Riordan, author of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, claims it is the "closest thing to a perfect adventure novel" he has ever read. Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight series) endorsed the book on her website, saying, "I was so obsessed with this book ...The Hunger Games is amazing."

The Hunger Games has been criticized for its similarities to the 1999 novel Battle Royale, by Koushun Takami. Collins has stated, "I had never heard of that book or that author until my book was turned in. At that point, it was mentioned to me, and I asked my editor if I should read it. He said: 'No, I don't want that world in your head. Just continue with what you're doing.' " Susan Dominus of The New York Times reports that "the parallels are striking enough that Collins's work has been savaged on the blogosphere as a baldfaced ripoff," but argued that "there are enough possible sources for the plot line that the two authors might well have hit on the same basic setup independently." King noted that the reality TV "badlands" were similar to Battle Royale, as well as his own The Running Man and The Long Walk. Green also pointed out that the premise of the novel was "nearly identical" to Battle Royale. Eric Eisenberg wrote that The Hunger Games was "not a rip off [of Battle Royale], but simply a different usage of a similar idea", pointing out various differences in both story and themes. Robert Nishimura wrote that "it would be a waste of time to defend Battle Royale from plagiarism, since The Hunger Games has an entirely different set of cultural baggage, as well as being a disservice to countless other source material that deal with the exact same subject matter. Collins just happened to tap in to the creative collective consciousness, drawing on ideas that have played out many times before, in addition to her intentional reference to Greek mythology."

The novel has also been controversial;  it ranked in fifth place on the American Library Association's list of frequently challenged books for 2010, with the reasons: "sexually explicit, unsuited to age group, and violence."

The Hunger Games received a number of awards and honors. It was named one of Publishers Weekly's "Best Books of the Year" in 2008 and a The New York Times "Notable Children's Book of 2008". It was the 2009 winner of the Golden Duck Award in the Young Adult Fiction Category. The Hunger Games was also a "2008 Cybil Winner" for fantasy and science-fiction books along with The Graveyard Book. It is also one of School Library Journal's "Best Books 2008" and a "Booklist Editors' Choice" in 2008. In 2011, the book won the California Young Reader Medal. In the 2012 edition of Scholastic's Parent and Child magazine, The Hunger Games was listed as the 33rd best book for children, with the award for "Most Exciting Ending".

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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